


public administration, health care, personnel management, personnel structure, classification, features


The system of public personnel management in the field of health care in Ukraine is in the process of active planned reform, which is bilateral in nature. On the one hand, there are decentralization processes, on the other hand, health care reform. Changes are taking place in the organizational mechanism of functioning of this sphere. The main features of modern public personnel management in the field of health care in Ukraine are: functioning in the context of active reforms in this area; uncertainty and unpredictability of external and internal conditions of functioning of the studied sphere in the strategic period; Significant challenges in the health care system, including those related to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic; the presence of current problems related to the material and technical infrastructure of the research area; lack of necessary full funding for the implementation of all planned tasks; complications from the imposition of martial law in connection with the Russian-Ukrainian war. The modern system of personnel management in the field of health care in Ukraine is divided into 3 levels: I level – macro level, ie national; Level II – meso level, ie regional; Level III – micro level, ie local. The article details the subjects and objects of government in terms of macro-, meso- and microlevels of public administration. A hierarchical system of personnel management in the field of health care in Ukraine is presented. Taking into account the specifics of staffing in various health care organizations (from the central administration at the level of the Ministry of Health to medical institutions and other treatment and prevention facilities), a multi-criteria system of staff classification has been developed. The research improved the system of classification of personnel in the field of health care. It is appropriate to classify all health care workers for management purposes according to eight criteria: by affiliation, by classifier of occupations, by place of work, by sex, by age, by educational level, by work experience, by experience in health care . The proposed improved criteria and types of personnel can be used in the process of conducting a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of public personnel management and development of strategic and tactical directions for optimizing the research process.


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How to Cite

Звірич, В. В. (2022). PUBLIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN THE FIELD OF HEALTHCARE: STRUCTURE, CLASSIFICATION AND FEATURES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (2), 49-56.