


principles, interaction, prosecutor’s office, public authorities, local selfgovernment offices


The article is devoted to the establishment of the system of principles of interaction of the prosecutor’s office with the offices of public power and local self-government and its analysis. The author emphasized that the interaction between the prosecutor’s office, public authorities and local self-government offices should take place in accordance with certain principles – general guidelines that serve to achieve the tasks of joint activities and are mandatory for all participants. It is noted that the principles of the studied interaction are derived from the general principles of organization and activity of public and municipal authorities, and also have relative regulatory certainty. The article also points out that the principles of cooperation of the prosecutor’s office with public authorities and local self-government bodies represent a complex systemic phenomenon. In view of this, it is proposed to divide the entire system of researched principles into two groups: general and special. At the same time, it is proposed to assign a number of constitutional principles of public administration to the first group, in particular, the rule of law, legality, independence and equality, transparency and openness. Instead, the author suggests that the principles of scientificity, planning and continuity, efficiency, as well as the obligation to implement agreed measures and monitor their implementation should be attributed to the second group. The article pays special attention to highlighting the specifics of each of the above principles in the context of the interaction of the prosecutor’s office with public authorities and local self-government bodies. The author comes to the conclusion that the principles of the studied interaction are interdependent, complement each other, and also determine the direction and character of the joint activity of the interacting subjects. At the same time, it is emphasized that the specified list is not exhaustive and may be the subject of further scientific developments, however, in the opinion of the author, the outlined principles are the most important for achieving the most significant result of the interaction of the prosecutor’s office with public authorities and local self-government bodies.


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How to Cite

Великодний, Д. В. (2022). PRINCIPLES OF INTERACTION OF THE PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE WITH PUBLIC AUTHORITIES AND LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT OFFICES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 30-35.