


humanization, public policy, post-industrial society, paradigmatic changes/shifts


The article examines the prerequisites for the humanization of public policy elaboration, which are represented by the radical changes taking place in the socio-economic, political, and cultural spheres and they also characterize the type of modern society as post-industrial. Rapid technological development, the main resource of which is knowledge / intelligence, the growth of information flows, the virtualization of relations, globalization processes – on the one hand, this is the result of the colossal cultural potential created by human civilization, on the other hand, it generates large-scale contradictions and accumulates challenges for human, society, social institutions. The emergence of threats to their existence, aggravation of contradictions, dehumanization of public life, – they actualize the rethinking of humanistic values and ways of solving the «human problem». So, there are opened up the perspectives for co-evolution of human, society, nature, for «returning» integrity to the personality (combination of self-actualization and responsibility for common existence / state of affairs) with an emphasis on the priority of the moral principle of human behaviour. The humanization of public policy elaboration is considered as a natural trend of paradigmatic changes in the study of society, as a process and indicator of the human interactions culture regarding the coordination of diverse interests. The humanistic principles of public policy elaboration are identified, which are manifested in: democratic forms of policy implementation and administration – the functioning of a democratic political regime and the implementation of democratic governance; in the goals and tasks of public policy – elaborating common interests and searching solutions for collective issues; in the content of political and management decisions, that appear as a result of cooperation between the government and its surrounding social environment; in tools / means and mechanisms of public policy, that ensure the consensus decisions making; in democratic methods of public administration.


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How to Cite

Єршова, Н. Г. (2022). SOCIOCULTURAL PREREQUISITES FOR THE HUMANIZATION OF PUBLIC POLICY ELABORATION. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 58-64.