


financial security of the state, financial security of the territorial community, economic security, budget security, tax security, cyber security, local self-government, territorial community, financial security policy.


In the article the main trends of its genesis and development are substantiated based on the results of a retrospective analysis of the theoretical basis of the financial security of the state and territorial communities. The origins of research into the financial security of the state by domestic scientists have been ascertained actually since the restoration of Ukraine’s independence, in particular in the field of economics. In the state administration, the concept of financial security was theorized in 2011 as the state of the financial, monetary, currency, banking, and tax systems, which is characterized by balance, resistance to internal and external negative influences, the ability to ensure the effective functioning of the national economic system and economic growth. In the national legislation, financial security as an object of management of state authorities and a component of national and economic security was enshrined in 2012 – 2013. It was revealed that the amalgam of definitions of the concept of “financial security of the state” in domestic science is quite broad and is characterized by a conceptual variety of approaches to its interpretation of equal theoretical and methodological weight. However, the prevalence of research from the point of view of economic theory does not allow to fully reveal the statemanagement aspect, in particular, the role of state authorities and implementation mechanisms at the state level. In modern studies (during the last 5 years) on the components of the financial security of the state, along with debt, monetary, banking security, as well as the security of currency, stock and insurance markets, scientists pay considerable attention to budgetary and tax (fiscal) security. It is well-founded that the conditions of digitalization of all spheres of public activity are actualizing a new component of the financial security of the state – cyber security. It was determined that the first comprehensive studies of the issue of financial security at the level of territorial communities in the theoretical plane appeared with the beginning of the reform of local self-government and decentralization of power. At the same time, individual components of financial security at the level of territorial communities – budgetary, tax, and monetary as a subject of research are present in the works of many theoretical sources on public management and administration. The imbalance and unsystematic nature of the scientific search for the conceptual basis of the financial security policy of the territorial community has been proven.


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How to Cite

Мунько, А. Ю. (2022). FINANCIAL SECURITY OF TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES: GENESIS AND DEVELOPMENT OF THEORETICAL BASE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (4), 47-57.