


development, territorial community, mutual relations, decentralization, social partnership, education.


The article examines the essence of the concept of infrastructural provision of territorial communities. As a result of the research, the infrastructural provision of territorial communities refers to a set of structures, buildings, systems and services that ensure the daily life of all members of the territorial community, and all the necessary facilities related to the infrastructure. The classification of infrastructure according to the spheres of service, in particular in territorial communities, is given. The division of subjects of management of infrastructural provision according to the level of their management: international, national and regional (local) levels. The main advantages of the implementation of social partnership for territorial communities are indicated. It has been established that in addition to the benefits of implementing social partnership in territorial communities, problems also arise. It is substantiated that a positive effect from the implementation of social partnership is possible only if its main principles are observed: compliance with the legislation; authority of representatives of the parties; equality of the parties in freedom of choice and discussion of issues that make up the content of collective agreements and relations; voluntariness of the parties in accepting obligations; systematic control and responsibility for fulfilling obligations. It was determined that at the level of territorial communities, the dominant field of social partnership is social infrastructure, in particular education, general secondary education and health care. Positive examples of the application of social partnership in the Kamianka-Buzka territorial community of Lviv region and in the Kutsurub united territorial community of Mykolaiv region are given. In order to intensify the introduction of social partnership in territorial communities, the following measures are proposed: it is necessary to ensure the formation of a favorable climate for conducting business on the territory of the territorial community; pay the greatest attention to projects for the development of accessible socially oriented infrastructure for people with disabilities and socially vulnerable population groups; to intensify interaction between various governmental and non-governmental organizations; ensure a change in the local policy of territorial communities.


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How to Cite

Камашев, А. В. (2023). SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP AS A TOOL FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (5), 30-38.