


state, labor relations, employment contract, working hours, employer, employee, martial law, armed conflict.


The European-oriented development of Ukrainian society, its democratization, and success in overcoming the consequences of crisis phenomena in all spheres of social life depend on the effectiveness and efficiency of public administration from the systemic positions at the national and regional levels of implementation. The well-founded concentration of attention of the subjects of state administration in Ukraine on the wars in the country led to the consequences of a negative nature, which was manifested in a drop in the population's income, a decrease in the level and quality of life, an increase in negative trends in the field of labor migration, which significantly reduces investment and innovation activity and general the country's economic growth potential. Such a situation requires a rethinking of approaches to public administration, which, despite the declaration of reforms, is still characterized by a sufficiently high degree of centralization in the sphere of decision-making regarding the solution of local problems. Before the war in Ukraine, this was evidenced by the low level of trust and the assessment of the effectiveness of the authorities by the population. The topic of social protection of the population is in the focus of the attention of many scientists and researchers, both domestic and foreign, who consider it through the prism of various fields of science, such as V. Kiyan, O. Bodnar, V. Chuban, M. Viktorchuk, I. Yevhutych, etc. The method of work is to study the state of the theoretical development of mechanisms of state management of the labor relations system, to identify existing problems, theoretical gaps that require further research. The study developed the main scientific developments of domestic scientists in the sectoral mechanisms of state management of labor relations. An acute issue of research on gender equality in the labor sphere has been identified. Progressive changes in the legislation are shown, which in the future will affect the system of regulating labor disputes in the country. At the same time, it shows a number of formal institutions capable of contributing to a better adaptation of the public administration of our country to a real state of war. Appropriate proposals for state authorities and local self-government bodies have been formulated, in particular, the use of a systemic appr oach in reforming labor legislation.


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How to Cite

Черевко, Н. О. (2023). STATE OF SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT OF MECHANISMS OF STATE MANAGEMENT OF THE LABOR RELATIONS SYSTEM. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (5), 60-65.