



state regulation; field of activity related to transplantation; features of state regulation; methods of state regulation in the field of activities related to transplantation


The article describes the peculiarities of state regulation in the field of activities related to transplantation in Ukraine, through the scientific development of state regulation methods in the researched field. Scientific literature was chosen as the object of inquiry, the subject of which is the methods of state regulation, in particular, economics and health care, as well as the field of activity related to transplantation. On the basis of the conducted analysis, two scientific approaches to the determination of methods of state regulation that can be applied to the field of activity related to transplantation in Ukraine are named: by forms of state influence (direct and indirect), by methods of influence (administrative, economic, legal and social). As more expedient for this research, the second approach was chosen, within which the definition of the most specific methods of state regulation in the field of transplantation and activities related to it is proposed. Among these, legal methods include the adoption of the Law of Ukraine; licensing, permits and prohibitions in the researched area are among the administrative ones; among the social ones, the provision of social guarantees in the field of transplantation and implementation of activities related to transplantation is defined; to economic – budgetary financing of the organization and provision of medical assistance with the use of transplantation and implementation of activities related to transplantation. With regard to the last method, the currently existing and possible forms of its implementation are defined, namely: the implementation of a pilot project on changing the mechanism of financial support for operative treatment for transplantation of organs and other anatomical materials in accordance with the budget program of the same name; financing of transplantation and the field of activity related to it within the budget program treatment of citizens of Ukraine abroad; implementation of state guarantees of medical care for the population under the program of medical guarantees.


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How to Cite

Сич, Л. І. (2023). FEATURES OF STATE REGULATION IN THE FIELD OF ACTIVITIES RELATED TO TRANSPLANTATION IN UKRAINE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (6), 24-31. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-pub.2022.6.3