


state, state regulation, labor relations, labor contract, working hours, employer, employee


The European-oriented development of Ukrainian society, its democratization, and success in overcoming the consequences of crisis phenomena in all spheres of social life depend on the effectiveness and efficiency of public administration from the systemic positions at the national and regional levels of implementation. The well-founded concentration of attention of the subjects of state administration in Ukraine on the wars in the country led to the consequences of a negative nature, which was manifested in a drop in the population’s income, a decrease in the level and quality of life, an increase in negative trends in the field of labor migration, which significantly reduces investment and innovation activity and general the country’s economic growth potential.Keywords: state, labor relations, employment contract, working hours, employer, employee, martial law, armed conflict. Such a situation requires a rethinking of approaches to public administration, which, despite the declaration of reforms, is still characterized by a sufficiently high degree of centralization in the sphere of decision-making regarding the solution of local problems. Before the war in Ukraine, this was evidenced by the low level of trust and the assessment of the effectiveness of the authorities by the population. The role of the state in regulating labor relations is extremely important. Practice shows that in order to reduce production costs, employers seek to preserve, even reduce the level of wages, to save on working conditions and safety, to reduce jobs due to the achievements of scientific and technical progress. And employees strive for higher wages, for safety and improvement of working conditions, preservation of jobs, etc. Under these conditions, it is the legislative and executive bodies of state power that must ensure a rational combination of the interests of employees and employers. The level of fairness of income distribution in society is determined by the social essence (type) of the state, and the quality of partnership is determined by the degree of employee participation in management. The purpose of the work is to study the essence and principles of labor relations in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Черевко, Н. О. (2023). THE ESSENCE AND PRINCIPLES OF LABOR RELATIONS IN UKRAINE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (6), 32-38.