


forensic medical examination, forensic medical expert, private experts, bureau of forensic medical examination, triple subordination


The article examines the prospects of reforming the forensic medical examination system of Ukraine. During the review of the main amendments to the legislation, the legal, organizational and financial foundations of forensic medical activity were analyzed, in particular, the transformation of specialized expert institutions and the analysis of the long-term practice of the work of forensic medical experts. During the research, it was determined that the forensic medical expert is the main subject of forensic medical activity. Specialized forensic institutions, in particular the Bureau of Forensic Examination, which currently belong to communal property, are empowered to conduct forensic examinations. Analyzing the practice of conducting forensic medical examinations, it was found that in some specialties there is no alternative to assigning an examination to a private expert or even to another institution, including conducting a forensic medical examination. It has been established that in the process of reforming it is envisaged to carry out an examination by scientific and research institutions of forensic examinations, forensic medical and forensic psychiatric institutions under the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. It has been proven that one of the most important problems in the system of forensic medical examinations is the triple subordination of specialized forensic institutions. All this leads to an increase in the bureaucratic component, the transfer of responsibility in decision-making and helplessness in approving documents that regulate work. Investigating the novelties of the reboot of the forensic medical examination system in Ukraine, the key aspects of the updated status of forensic institutions were revealed. Also, a number of issues related to the education and training of employees in the field of forensic medical examination and the regulation of the proper remuneration of experts depending on their qualifications, workload, and complexity are being initiated. The main goal of reforming the forensic medical examination system in Ukraine is to ensure the independence of forensic medical experts; separation of forensic medical examinations from any influence of local authorities; optimal target allocation of funding; timely introduction into practice of scientific and technical achievements of the industry; distribution and optimization of workloads among forensic medical examination institutions at the regional and subregional levels.


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Про судово-експертну діяльність: законопроект від 05.11.2021 № 6284. Верховна Рада України. URL: (дата звернення 16.02.2023)

Про судову експертизу: закон України від 25.02.1994 № 4038-XII Верховна Рада України. URL: (дата звернення 16.02.2023)

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How to Cite

Клименко, О. С. (2023). PROSPECTS FOR REFORMING THE FORENSIC MEDICAL EXAMINATION SYSTEM IN UKRAINE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (1), 22-26.