corruption, anti-corruption strategy, state authorities, European integrationAbstract
The purpose of the article is to reveal the theoretical and legal principles of highlighting the problems of corruption in state authorities in view of the European integration processes. The main forms of corruption crimes in state authorities are highlighted. It was determined that the problem of corruption in state authorities is widespread and requires an immediate solution in view of Ukraine’s European integration course, since an important recommendation of the European Commission regarding Ukraine’s application to join the European Union is to strengthen the fight against corruption, especially at a high level by reforming the state system administration in Ukraine. It was found that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine «On the principles of state anti-corruption policy for 2021-2025», the purpose of which is to achieve significant progress in preventing and countering corruption and ensuring coordinated and systematic anti-corruption activities of all state authorities and local selfgovernment bodies in Ukraine. It was determined that the adoption of the anti-corruption strategy and its proper implementation will make it possible to reduce the level of corruption in Ukraine, in particular by eliminating or minimizing corruption risks and reducing the number of corruption and corruption-related crimes, in particular in the field of public administration. The main principles of Ukraine’s anti-corruption policy for 2021-2025 are considered. It was determined that after overcoming corruption in state authorities, Ukraine will be able to meet the requirements of the democratic constitution and social state, which is provided for by the Basic Law. Structural reforms in the process of Ukraine’s acquisition of full membership in the EU are impossible due to the ineffectiveness of the national anti-corruption policy mechanism, therefore it is advisable to implement in practice the main ways of solving the problems of Ukraine’s anticorruption strategy in view of the European integration vector of development.
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Рекомендації Європейської Комісії щодо статусу України на членство в ЄС. URL:
Про засади державної антикорупційної політики на 2021-2025 роки: Закон України; Стратегія від 20.06.2022 № 2322-IX. URL: