



public administration, shares, privatization, squeeze-out, legal security


Before the war, the Ukrainian authorities actively began to introduce such models of public management as «accumulative pension – commodity and stock exchanges – investments in the national agricultural sector». This article is based on the idea that for the success of this area of public administration, it is necessary to solve the fundamental problems in the field of property rights that arose during privatization and will affect life in our country in peacetime. To achieve the research goal, we solved the following tasks. We analyzed the main principles of the development of systems for the protection of the rights of owners of securities, determined the situation in Ukraine and the legislation, and determined the perspective of harmonizing the use of property rights at the public level. The chosen topic determined the set of research methods. We used retrospective analysis to comprehend the system of public administration of the securities market (social inequality). The description of the current situation in relations between the state and the owners based on a regulatory analysis. The search for ways to harmonize the current situation based on a comparative analysis, which took into account the Ukrainian and American experience in this area. Conclusions based on research results. First, the shortcomings of the privatization of stateowned enterprises in Ukraine influenced the transition to private ownership of the quasi-elite of state and other social institutions. Secondly, the statistics of offenses on the securities market show that majority shareholders ignore the rights of minority shareholders, which negatively affected all participants in the production of material goods. Thirdly, the disproportion of property rights in the stock market leads to discrimination against small owners (squeeze-out), who are limited in their ability to own property and means of production. Therefore, the heads of relevant public administration structures should pay attention to the quality of providing administrative services for all owners, regardless of the level of wealth and social status.


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How to Cite

Масюк, О. П., & Заїка, О. В. (2023). OWNER’S RIGHTS IN THE STATE GOVERNANCE OF THE SECURITIES MARKET IN UKRAINE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (1), 49-56. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-pub.2023.1.7