


civil society, state, state power, patriotism, national-patriotic education


The article is devoted to the study of the relationship between “civil society” and “state power” in the context of the concept of national-patriotic education in Ukraine. It was found that civil society in the modern vision is characterized by the presence of basic social values such as the rule of law, democracy, human rights, the rule of law, social security, etc. It was determined that the main goal of the Concept of national-patriotic education in the education system of Ukraine is the formation of a self-sufficient citizen-patriot of Ukraine, a humanist and a democrat, ready to fulfill civic and constitutional duties, to inherit the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people, and to achieve a high culture of relationships. Attention is drawn to the fact that civil society and the state complement each other, since without a free individual of civil society, the development of a legal and democratic state is impossible. It is shown that civil society at the legislative level can influence the development of new approaches to the education of patriotism through the formation of civic self-awareness and the adoption of state decisions in this area. It is noted that the formation of a democratic, legal and social state is closely related to the development of civil society as a sphere of social activity of citizens who come together to make joint decisions, as well as protect rights and interests, achieve the common good, including in cooperation with by state authorities, local self-government bodies, political institutions and business. It is described that state authorities should create favorable conditions for the development of civil society in the field of national-patriotic education, since civil society and the state function to meet the needs and interests of its citizens. The state power should focus primarily on the interests of civil society.


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How to Cite

Найда, І. В. (2023). CIVIL SOCIETY AND STATE AUTHORITY IN THE CONTEXT OF THE CONCEPT OF NATIONAL PATRIOTIC EDUCATION. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (1), 57-63.