


gender, gender democracy, public management system, integrated program, methodological support, modern approaches, methods, principles


The article presents arguments regarding the significance of the role of developing a holistic program of methodological support for the study of gender democracy in the system of public administration. In the course of our research, it was confirmed that modern public administration appears as one of the structural components of public policy, which is a process filled with political power, state power, society and communities. The outlined program is defined as a «concentrated extract», which, in addition to traditional and general scientific approaches and methods, is filled with modern special methods, approaches and principles that are not static, as they reflect social dynamism and transformation. In this context, interdisciplinary, socio-cultural, socio-psychological and archetypal approaches are outlined by modern scientific approaches, the use of which contributes to increasing the instrumentality of the used methods, principles and orientation to the determination of the peculiarities of the implementation of gender democracy in the system of public administration of Ukraine. It is proved that conducting research on the basis of an interdisciplinary approach opens up the possibility of building a strategy for its implementation, which leads to the anthropocentric paradigm of research activity that is relevant in the modern methodology of humanitarian sciences. It has been confirmed that in the conditions of continuous social changes, social activity and emergency, anthropocentrism and its main principle of equality become the basis for the development of a holistic methodological program for the study of gender democracy in the system of public administration of Ukraine. Further research into the problems of gender democracy in the public administration system of Ukraine involves the development of its theoretical and methodological approaches and the updating of basic concepts that correspond to the requirements of modern Ukrainian society for the public administration system of Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Новаченко, Т. В., & Беркут, М. С. (2023). THE ROLE OF A COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM OF METHODOLOGICAL PROVISION OF GENDER DEMOCRACY RESEARCH IN THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (1), 64-71.