



public administration, culture, sustainable development, international dimensions, efficiency, innovation


The article examines the issue of effective implementation of public administration in the field of culture in the context of sustainable development, and the importance of taking into account social, economic and environmental aspects in the formation of public policy in the field of culture. The article is based on an analysis of international and national studies, publications and reports, as well as the experience of international organizations such as UNESCO and the OECD. Attention is drawn to the role of the state in supporting the development of cultural industries, creating conditions for the spread of cultural tourism, protecting cultural heritage and developing intercultural dialogue. Particular attention is paid to the state policy in the field of culture in the interests of sustainable development, and the need to implement effective models of cultural diplomacy on the basis of relevant international and national programs is argued. The authors emphasize the importance of forming a public administration system that will promote the development of culture in the context of sustainable development. The article emphasizes that in order to achieve this task, it is necessary to develop cooperation between public and private structures, as well as between the state and civil society. It is proved that public administration in the field of culture for sustainable development will contribute to the realization of the UN global sustainable development goals and ensure the well-being of society. In this context, public administration in the field of culture should be effective and result-oriented, and take into account the interests of all stakeholders, including cultural workers, the public and business representatives. Promoting the preservation and popularization of cultural heritage increases the level of social cohesion and promotes intergenerational equity. The authors emphasize the need to take into account the international dimensions of effective public administration of the cultural sphere with the involvement of sustainable development issues in the development and improvement of state policy in the field of culture in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Яшина, О. М., & Висоцька, О. Є. (2023). EFFECTIVE PUBLIC MANAGEMENT OF CULTURE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: KEY INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (2), 41-51. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-pub.2023.2.6