



administration, power, legal regime, personal data protection, confidential information, public administration, public management activities


The article investigates the peculiarities of using personal data while implementing the concept of the electronic state. The relevance of studying this issue lies in the fact that relations regarding the processing and protecting personal data at the international and national levels are formed today into separate public institutes of international and national policy. The era of digital technologies is coming. Therefore, state-building’s political and administrative directions involve a change in the regulatory framework, a review of the interaction of power structures, the formation of new educational programs, and the renewal and expansion of societal paradigms. The formation of digital democracy under current conditions requires the functioning of legal mechanisms for the administration and protection of personal data as a mandatory element and legal guarantee in the construction of the system of electronic government (e-Government), electronic business (e-Business), electronic health (e-Health), electronic learning (e-Learning), electronic employment (e-Employment), electronic science (e-Science), etc. Thus, the issue of personal autonomy and privacy depends on access and the possibility of using personal data. In addition, the threat of unauthorized use of personal data, considering digitalization, can lead to the violation of significant social relations and the infliction of substantial material losses to both the state and an individual. It is proved that the public and legal context of modern institutional requirements regarding the processing and protection of personal data should be modified and improved. It also applies to the organizational and functional system of public authorities of Ukraine. In this regard, there should be a change in the social paradigm regarding the value of personal data, their preservation and protection, as an essential element of building a democratic state in the information society.


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How to Cite

Гамалюк, Б. М. (2023). POLITICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE ASPECTS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN THE PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION SYSTEM. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 24-30. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-pub.2023.3.4