public administration, public administration of education, professional preliminary higher education, public administration of professional preliminary educationAbstract
The development of education is a key factor for sustainable socio-economic development of the country and ensuring competitiveness at the international level. That is why the role of public administration in the field of education should not be overlooked by scientists. In addition, in the context of the reforms taking place in the educational system of Ukraine over the last decade, we have significant changes, in particular, the emergence of a new educational level – vocational preliminary higher education. Improving the conceptual and terminological apparatus of public administration in the field of vocational preliminary higher education will improve the accuracy of concepts and indicators formulation in the given research field, which will contribute to increasing the effectiveness of management decisions. This, in turn, will allow to ensure a more qualitative and structured approach to the development of the science of public administration and will improve the mechanisms of influence on the social economic development of society. The article analyzed key approaches to the interpretation of public administration as a separate term by various scientists and identified certain regularities that formed the basis of the author’s definition of “public administration”. In order to develop a correct term system, the author considered the regulatory and legal field of the education system of Ukraine management, in particular the Law of Ukraine “On Education”. As a result of the analysis, the main bodies that carry out management in the field of education were determined and their powers were established, as well as the management rights and duties of public self-government and state-public administration in the field of education were established. In the course of the study of the Laws of Ukraine “On Education” and “On Vocational Pre-Higher Education”, the sections and articles that ensure the publicity of the management of the vocational preliminary higher education system, as well as the patterns of interaction between state authorities and the public were considered. The definitions of “public management of education” and “public management of vocational preliminary higher education” became a generalization of the research material.
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