safe education, martial law, air alert, migration education, distance learning, stabilization measuresAbstract
The article examines the current educational environment of Ukraine under martial law, education during air raids, shelling or other military danger, training in bomb shelters or shelters, educational migration and distance learning. Ways and means of solving educational and educational issues that can stabilize and improve the quality of education as a whole. The economic, political and physical destruction in the educational sector that Ukraine suffered during the military operations is catastrophic. Ukraine needs to solve current issues taking into account the current state of war, to ensure and create safe conditions for training. The public administration and regulatory sector must be integrated and mobile, and prepare for the learning process in advance and even prematurely. Distance learning, online learning and other digital methods of communication between the participants of the educational process will be one of the possible ways to solve the problems of education under martial law. Therefore, another test for Ukrainian education will be the development and implementation of its own educational software, the creation of modules for partially independent education, when it will be possible to study in a safe period or in a safe place. That is, the introduction of modern technologies will help minimize risks from the consequences of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. However, it is not necessary to forget about those who intend to receive education in full-time form, and therefore it is necessary to think about providing safe places in educational institutions, or places adapted nearby. The main task for a healthy educational process is its continuity. Creating conditions in the continuous educational process will preserve the national importance of the educational system as a whole. Educators will be able to continue their safe studies and receive a Ukrainian education, which is a key factor in preserving the economic and labor potential of Ukraine.
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