


modernization, local self-government, public administration, inclusion, outsourcing tools


The article provides a solution to the current scientific problem of improving the mechanism of modernization of the public administration system in local authorities; analyzed the theoretical and methodological bases of state policy regarding the effective functioning of local self-government bodies, theoretical aspects of public management of economic development and development of territorial communities in modern conditions, theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of outsourcing tools and digital and social inclusion; the key role of local authorities in the formation of the main tools of public management by the development of the main aspects of governance in the conditions of reforming public authorities; the consideration of the process of implementation and development of the leading dominants of public management of the development of issues of inclusive local development and the use of outsourcing tools in local selfgovernment bodies is substantiated, which made it possible to explore the conceptual foundations of the elements of governance in Ukraine; the peculiarities of the institutional mechanism for ensuring the implementation of outsourcing for the effective functioning of local self-government bodies in Ukraine at the current stage of development were revealed, it was possible to identify the key factors influencing it; it has been proven that the introduction of the concept and corresponding model of public administration and local development in Ukraine in order to solve the current problems of state administration, administration, development of territorial communities requires the modernization of the system of public administration and administration, the formation of new approaches to the application of proper public administration and local self-government; scientific approaches to the analysis of the issue of developing a mechanism for the modernization of the public administration system on the basis of outsourcing were analyzed; the construction and analysis of the toolkit for improving the quality of inclusion of local self-government bodies, which is based on the principle of local inclusive development (that is, the choice of alternatives for the development of the economic system based on the national goals of overcoming inequality and improving the quality of human life) is justified; the application of a project approach in ensuring the effectiveness of the work of united territorial communities regarding the mechanism of modernization of the system of public management and administration of local development in Ukraine on the basis of outsourcing, which is aimed at achieving goals and objectives at the appropriate levels of public management and local self-government, is proposed.


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How to Cite

Шевченко, О. О., Єршов, В. О., & Коростильова, О. О. (2023). MECHANISM FOR MODERNIZING THE SYSTEM OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT BODIES: OUTSOURCING AND INCLUSION TOOLS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (5), 57-62.