


civil society, state policy, system, state administration, government, public organizations, interaction


The article examines the essence of the functioning of civil society in modern conditions of martial law, proves the relevance of the mentioned topic and substantiates its purpose. On the basis of existing research, the theoretical basis of building a modern civil society has been clarified. It is noted that a clear definition of the specified category has not yet appeared in the modern scientific space, based on this, the author's definition of the specified term is proposed and three components are selected from the proposed interpretation, with the help of which an attempt is made to prove the result of the functioning of civil society. In connection with this, the work states that the formation of Ukrainian civil society is characterized by a transformation under the influence of reformist or revolutionary forces, examples of which are the “Orange Revolution” and “Revolution of Dignity”, and the apogee of the transformation was the military aggression of the Russian Federation, which leads to the formation of a new civil society. what is happening now An analysis of the number of civic and charitable organizations is presented, the increase in which number indicates the presence of transformational transformations in the state. The article states that the result of the functioning of a democratic civil society can be the sustainable socio-economic development of the state, the criteria for evaluating which can be the quality and standard of living of the state's population. The assessment of the quality of life includes the indicators of civil society, in connection with this, examples of methods of assessment of the quality of life are given. The work claims that the effective socio-economic development of the welfare state depends on the relationship between civil society and the state. Under the conditions of the state choosing a democratic course of development, the state power promotes the influence of the majority on state policy. The presence of an effective civil society is one of the basic postulates of a democratic state, without it the existence of such a state is impossible.


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How to Cite

Якубовський, Я. С. (2023). THE ESSENCE OF THE FUNCTIONING OF CIVIL SOCIETY UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF MARITAL STATE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (5), 70-75.