


state management mechanisms; state regulation; supervision and control; compliance with labor legislation; оccupational health; labor law


In the sphere of state management and administration, the problems of state management of labor protection in Ukraine are investigated. It is emphasized that the state management of labor protection is updated today in connection with the constitutional declaration of the life and health of a person as the highest social value in the state. The methodology of scientific research is based on the methods and means of public administration, which are highlighted through the prism of the Law of Ukraine "On Labor Protection", which has a positive effect on public administration in this area, and at the same time it is taken into account that the specified legislative act was adopted when the basis of the economy was state, and not private property, therefore the legal mechanisms of labor protection management in modern conditions were not fully used. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that the research substantiates that in connection with the transition of the state to market conditions, state supervision and control over labor protection and legal mechanisms of responsibility for its violations were weakened. It is noted that state management in the field of labor protection is manifested through the grounds for conducting inspection visits, especially regarding compliance with labor legislation on the subject of labor protection and legalization of labor relations. It is substantiated and concluded that objectively the conditions for the formation of a single concept, single principles of labor protection in the state administration are ripe. Undoubtedly, the development of such a concept should be preceded by thorough scientific research in this area, since the science of public management and administration has only tangentially addressed the specified problem. Formation of the theoretical foundations of state regulation, provision of proper, safe and healthy working conditions in Ukraine should precede the formation of a unified concept of state management of labor protection.


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How to Cite

Андрушко, А. В. (2023). STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR PROTECTION IN UKRAINE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (6), 3-8.