



e-governance, communications, information, social networks, society, communities


In the article, the author notes that the most common form of communication in the public sphere is social networks, where representatives of different social communities interact with each other. The formed information space is intended for the general population, where one person in front of the community, who is connected or entered in the database of such social networks as Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, Viber, etc., presents himself by posting videos and photos. There is a need for state administration, where authorities and local self-government bodies, being in such specialized structures as sub-departmental organizations, functioning institutions that have territorial branches, services, committees direct influential and regulatory actions to the public environment. The role of e-governance in the state, which is characterized by a system-forming and structured automated space for the executive functions of state authorities and local selfgovernment, will be interpreted from here. Along with influencing and regulating the public environment, organizations and institutions classified as public service also use these above-mentioned social networks in their daily activities, which allow access to their existing communities, in particular – subscribers. The need for the state to carry out influential and regulatory actions is not only to comply with the legislation, but also to provide communities and subscribers with the protection of their rights or the preservation of information data from unauthorized access. Attention is focused on the fact that e-governance as a direction, and at the same time the complex of technical support fully has functional capabilities for influence and regulation by the state of social networks, in particular – through joint connection and access passwords to ICT (information and communication technologies), which are located in server and computing and analytical centers of organizations and institutions. And this, in turn, is due to the joint actions of all those who use social networks, including management processes.


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How to Cite

Білик, О. О., & Баленко, В. О. (2023). ELECTRONIC GOVERNANCE AS THE STATE INFLUENCE AND REGULATION OF THE SOCIAL NETWORKS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (6), 9-16. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-pub.2023.6.2