


public administration, border area, public administration mechanism, object of public administration mechanism, social relations in the border area


The article defines the role of the object of public administration in the border area. The author emphasizes its importance in influencing the functioning of all elements of the public administration mechanism. This includes forms, methods, and approaches used to ensure the proper implementation of strategies and policies in the border area. The study clarifies the concept of the border area as: 1) a set of conditions for the implementation of activities of public authorities near or along the border aimed at ensuring a system of regulatory measures; 2) a set of social relations arising from the implementation of regulatory measures within the border strip and controlled border area. The object of public administration in the article is understood as the sphere of social relations subject to management influence to achieve a specific goal. It is established that the object of public administration in the border area includes: information protection and information-analytical relations aimed at combating the spread of fake information and protecting cyberspace and confidential information; engineering and technical relations related to technical equipment and re-equipment of border zones for effective control; operational-search measures aimed at preventing violations of law in the border area; land relations arising from the development of infrastructure along the border; aviation and maritime measures aimed at ensuring national security and control over airspace and maritime space. In conclusion, the object of public administration in the border area is determined to be a system of relations, processes, and resources controlled and regulated by state authorities to ensure the security, control, and protection of border territories and borders of the country.


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How to Cite

Новікова, М. М. (2024). THE OBJECT OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MECHANISM IN THE BORDER AREA. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (1), 40-45.