


legislation, electronic services, Ukraine, law, e-governance, normative legal acts, regulation, information technologies, state electronic system, digital transformation, accessibility, efficiency


The article is devoted to the disclosure of the legal foundations of the provision of electronic services in Ukraine and the identification of key problems that prevent their effective development. Based on the analysis of the current state of affairs, various aspects were considered, shortcomings in the legislation were identified – uneven access to electronic services and cyber security problems. Based on this, specific conclusions and recommendations were proposed regarding the further improvement of the system of providing electronic services in Ukraine. The main focus is on the need to improve legal regulation, ensure accessibility and equality, cyber security, stimulate innovation and involve the public in the process of developing and implementing solutions. It was determined that the development of electronic services in Ukraine requires the joint efforts of the state, business and the public to ensure effective and modern state administration and improve the quality of life of citizens. In addition, the article highlights the need to ensure confidentiality and protection of personal data of citizens in the context of providing electronic services. Measures to stimulate innovation and support startups in the field of e-government are proposed. The conclusions and proposals of the article determine the ways of further development of e-government in Ukraine in order to improve the quality and accessibility of public services for citizens and enterprises. The article also highlights the importance of active public participation in the decisionmaking process regarding the development of electronic services, which emphasizes the need for openness and transparency in the activities of state bodies. The article examines in detail the legal foundations of the provision of electronic services in Ukraine, identifying key problems that hinder their effectiveness, and suggests ways of improvement. The main focus is on the need to improve legislative regulation, ensuring the availability of services, cyber security, stimulating innovation and active public involvement. The importance of ensuring data privacy, supporting startups and openness of government bodies is highlighted. The article points to the need for joint efforts of all interested parties to develop effective e-government and improve the quality of life of citizens.


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How to Cite

Новосад, Р. В. (2024). LEGAL BASIS OF PROVIDING ELECTRONIC SERVICES IN UKRAINE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (1), 46-54.