


cross-border cooperation; regulatory environment; European standards; regional cooperation; Ukraine


Research was conducted on the characteristics of providing governmental regulation of cross-border cooperation at the regional level in Ukraine. The primary aspects of the regulatory environment were analyzed, ensuring the cooperation’s effectiveness at the international and national levels. Agreement between Ukraine’s legislation and European norms and standards was emphasized. Significant attention was paid to the problems of the governmental regulation of the crossborder cooperation at the regional level in Ukraine. Particular emphasis was placed on the need for adapting the domestic legislation to European standards in ensuring effectiveness and stability of international cooperation. In the modern world, cross-border cooperation plays an important role in strengthening the ties between governments and regions, facilitating the economy’s development, social stability and cultural integration. However, without effective governmental regulation, this process may encounter numerous challenges and obstacles. In this article, we will review the primary aspects of supporting governmental regulation of the cross-border cooperation at the regional level. The cross-border cooperation is a mechanism of interaction between neighboring regions or countries for achieving common goals in such areas as the economy, trade, transport, environmental protection, culture and social development. In this context, governmental regulation plays a crucial role in establishing rules of the game and stimulating mutual initiatives. In the context of cultivating the role of regional bodies of administration and decentralizing authority, the regional level becomes crucial for ensuring effectiveness and stability of crossborder cooperation. Local authorities have the authorization to enter agreements about cooperation with their foreign partners and act correspondingly in the framework of national legislation and international obligations. In the area of cross-border cooperation, the Ukraine’s legislation includes above else the Law of Ukraine “About Cross-border Cooperation”, international agreements, conventions, and charters ratified by Ukraine, as well as bilateral and multilateral agreements entered by Ukraine and its neighboring states. One of the characteristics of the Law of Ukraine “About Cross-border Cooperation” is that clearly defines the tasks, principles of governmental policy, the rights and duties of subjects in the area of cross-border cooperation, as well as principles and forms of governmental support and financial resources for such cooperation. It is worth commenting that none of the countries of Europe have an equivalent law which would completely regulate the issue of cross-border cooperation, insofar that many of them use a statute of the Madrid Convention of 1980. The Law of Ukraine “About Cross-border Cooperation” also takes into account the geopolitical changes that occurred as a result of the European Union’s eastward expansion in 2004. Cross-border cooperation at the regional level plays an important role in facilitating sustainable development improving and for the residents of the border territories, improving their quality of life. Effective governmental regulation is a key factor for achieving these goals and ensuring the successful realization of cooperative projects and initiatives. This demands the ongoing refinement of legal framework, strengthening institutional capabilities and support of active civil participation in the decision-making process. Ensuring the effectiveness and stability of cross-border cooperation at the regional level in Ukraine requires the agreement between the legislation and European standards, as well as the active participation of local authorities in the introduction of cooperative projects and programs. Facilitating the development of regional relationships is an important factor for improving competitiveness and Ukraine’s sustainable development in the context of globalization.


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How to Cite

Олдак, Л. Я. (2024). THE PRIMARY ASPECTS OF PROVIDING GOVERNMENTAL REGULATION OF CROSSBORDER COOPERATION ON A REGIONAL LEVEL IN UKRAINE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (1), 55-59.