



political institutions, consumer protection, public administration, legislation, standards, product safety and quality


The article is devoted to the study of the influence of political institutions and parties on public administration in the field of consumer rights protection. In today's environment, when consumers are faced with poor quality products, unfair advertising and other challenges, it is important to consider how political processes can influence the provision of an adequate level of protection and satisfaction of consumer needs. The role of political institutions in the formation of legislation and standards aimed at protecting consumer rights, as well as their role in product quality control and taking measures in case of violations, is studied. The influence of political parties on the development and implementation of consumer protection policies and their interaction with the public and business is also considered. Particular attention is paid to the role of public organizations in cooperation with political structures to ensure more effective protection of consumer rights. Possible strategies of cooperation between various parties with the aim of improving the state of affairs in this area are identified. The relevance of the study of the influence of political institutions and parties on the protection of consumer rights is emphasized and emphasizes the need for joint efforts to ensure the proper level of protection and satisfaction of consumer needs in modern society. It examines how political institutions and parties promote innovations that ensure product safety, quality, and regulatory compliance. The international aspect of the interaction of political institutions in the context of consumer rights protection is analyzed. Cooperation at the international level is being considered to establish uniform standards and ensure a common approach to consumer protection in different countries. It is concluded that the article points to the importance of further research in this area and encourages discussion and joint efforts to create an effective consumer protection system based on interaction between political institutions, the public and business. The quality of life of consumers, their choices and trust in the market of products and services may depend on the results of such research. Taking into account the results of such a study can significantly affect the quality of life of consumers, their choices and the level of trust in the market of products and services. This can become the basis for further reforms and policy decisions in the field of consumer protection, aimed at increasing the level of protection and consumer satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Твердохліб, О. С., & Маматова, Т. В. (2024). POLITICAL ASPECTS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN THE FIELD OF CONSUMER RIGHTS PROTECTION: THE INFLUENCE OF POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS AND PARTIES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (1), 89-95. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-pub.2024.1.12