


epidemiological effects, growth, state socio-economic policy, development, prospects, national well-being


The article determined that human civilization faced new challenges caused by both the inconsistency of existing business models and models of economic development with the requirements of the time, which radically changed during the transition to a technological system, and global threats associated with the environmental and climate crisis, the strengthening global food safety risks, implementation of the chain of global epidemiological risks. The biggest of them was the pandemic, which not only caused the strengthening and deepening of socio-economic problems, but also gave impetus to shifting processes in the branch markets. It was found that the management of risks associated with epidemiological threats requires careful analysis and the adoption of a number of strategic decisions at different levels: from local self-government bodies to state law-making bodies. At the same time, it should be noted that along with overcoming the negative consequences of the pandemic, it is necessary to identify and make the most of the chances associated with the impetus to the development of new technologies and tools due to its impact. In addition, one cannot ignore the multiplicative effect of the joint impact of crisis threats caused by the pandemic and other global threats to human civilization. It is substantiated that epidemiological threats, such as a pandemic, can have a significant impact on the socio-economic aspects of society and cause a number of problems. Management of epidemics requires a comprehensive approach that takes into account both medical and socio-economic aspects, in order to ensure maximum protection of the population and minimize negative consequences for society. One of the most important elements of risk management is its prevention and preparedness for epidemics by developing and implementing action plans in case of crisis situations. These plans should cover such aspects as the rapid mobilization of medical resources, the introduction of necessary restrictions at the level of public health and the provision of social assistance to victims. It has been proven that this can include the development of digital technologies to support remote work and learning, stimulate innovation and support small and medium-sized businesses. Risk management also involves active cooperation between sectors of society and authorities, as well as between countries at the international level. Sharing data, best practices and resources can improve overall effectiveness in managing epidemiological risks and ensure a more successful response to crisis situations. Prospects for the development of the national economy in the conditions of epidemiological threats can be an attraction for investments in the field of health care.


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How to Cite

Харечко, Д. О. (2024). STATE RISK MANAGEMENT OF EPIDEMIOLOGICAL IMPACTS ON SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PROSPECTS FOR THE GROWTH OF WELL-BEING. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (2), 67-72.