regulations, mechanism, public administration, road construction, financing, sources, construction standardsAbstract
The article examines theoretical and practical approaches to determining the regulatory and legal framework for ensuring the public administration of road construction in Ukraine. The author emphasizes the need to ensure an appropriate level of public administration of road construction, including through the adoption of regulatory legal acts. The issues of regulatory and legal regulation of public administration of road construction are described. The essence of the regulatory and legal mechanism of road construction public administration in Ukraine is revealed, the types, structure and practical significance of the regulatory and legal acts governing road construction public administration are determined. The author's own definition of the concept of the regulatory and legal mechanism of road construction public administration is formulated, the classification of regulatory and legal acts by legal force, by their impact on the object, by the subject of their adoption is carried out, and their impact on the public administration of road construction in Ukraine is assessed. It is determined that, according to their legal force, regulatory legal acts are divided into laws and by-laws. The acts are divided into strategic, general, special and emergency acts. The importance of the acts of the European Union is emphasized. The specifics of the system of regulations governing the relations of road construction participants are determined. The influence of all these acts on road construction management in Ukraine is characterized. The range of urgent problems of road construction is identified and ways to solve them are proposed. International treaties and agreements and the system of norms are described.
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Про затвердження Методики визначення вартості дорожніх робіт та послуг щодо визначення вартості нового будівництва, реконструкції, ремонтів та експлуатаційного утримання автомобільних доріг загального користування. Наказ Міністерства інфраструктури України від 07 жовтня 2022 року № 753
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