


low-alcohol drinks, whey, alcohol fruit drink, infusion


The work is devoted to the topical issues of using whey to improve the quality of products from the category of low-alcohol drinks. The processing of which, in Ukraine, has been paid less attention. In order to meet the increased requirements of consumers for alcoholic beverages and focus on innovative formulations of low-alcohol beverages, a study of the technological parameters of the production of these products was carried out and the introduction of a condensed mixture of sugar whey concentrate was proposed. The rational ratio of the components of this concentrate and the chemical composition, which is the most balanced, for the introduction is determined. Plant raw materials for alcoholic drinks were selected based on their pharmacopoeial properties, economic and organoleptic characteristics, as well as the presence of properties to reduce the toxic effect of the drink. The recipe of low-alcohol drinks made on the basis of concentrate of milk whey condensed with sugar with the addition of alcoholic fruit drinks from berries and water infusions from vegetable raw materials is developed. The method of their production according to classical technological schemes is presented. A comparative evaluation of the chemical composition of sugar whey concentrate with a sample of condensed milk with sugar was carried out. The chemical composition of the developed drinks was determined, which allowed us to talk about the transition of amino acids from whey proteins and histidine and proline from viburnum fruits into a new product, as well as an increase in the content of organic acids, a number of ash elements and the presence of vitamin C and β-carotene. The mentioned method of production can be considered as resource-saving, and new low-alcohol drinks have prospects of demand in the market of alcoholic products. The introduction of the mentioned technology will allow to expand the existing range, satisfy consumer demands for high quality, and increase the competitiveness of the enterprise.


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How to Cite

Сорокіна, С. В., Колесник, В. В., Полупан, В. В., Акмен, В. О., & Penkina, N. M. (2022). USE OF NONTRADITIONAL RAW MATERIALS DURING THE PRODUCTION OF LOW-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (5), 90-97.