



smart technologies, smart devices, system, platform, automation


The article discusses the features of smart technologies in the automation of a residential building in order to improve the living standards of people. On the example of laboratory work on the “Virtual control devices” discipline, a control system for electrical appliances in a residential building was developed and manufactured. On the basis of this system, applicants for higher education carry out automation of a simulated residential or industrial premises, which contributes to an increase in the intellectual development of future specialists and the implementation of projects for their training in the design of electrification, automation and power supply systems based on modern smart technologies, the ability to develop and implement applications for accurate functioning of various devices. The developed system includes information and control and communication technologies and systems, modern element base, software for creating a centralized network that allows remote control of electrical devices of the building, control parameters anywhere in the room and their monitoring to ensure accurate and reliable maintenance of controlled parameters taking into account their external and internal changes. This system, which is designed and manufactured on the basis of “smart” devices, fully automatically controls all types of actuators designed by higher education building with strict limited compliance with all indicators, which improves the functionality of electrical equipment, increases reliability, provides the necessary accuracy of controlled parameters. According to the research results, it was found that the use of smart technologies and the proposed algorithm for the operation of electrical equipment allows to reduce the use of thermal and electrical energy, to adjust the operation of all devices so that they work harmoniously and interconnected, which leads to the expansion of the boundaries of selfdiagnosis, minimization of losses and reliability. Such a developed and manufactured automatic system can be used not only to provide skills to future specialists in the field of design, but also to be introduced into practice, that is, to automate not only residential buildings to create comfortable living conditions for people, but also production facilities.


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How to Cite

Гайдукевич, С., Семенова, Н., & Леськів, Я. (2022). FEATURES OF SMART TECHNOLOGIES ON THE EXAMPLE OF AUTOMATION OF A RESIDENTIAL BUILDING. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (1), 12-21. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-tech.2022.1.2

