diagnostic visualization, diagnostic image, identification, hologram, graphic modelAbstract
The analysis revealed the lack of clear formulations of the essence of the concepts of “diagnostic vizualisation” and “diagnostic image”. Therefore, it is proposed to define that a diagnostic image is a graphical (two-dimensional or three-dimensional) model of anomalies of the object or environment under study, for which the identification problem can be set and solved. Accordingly, diagnostic visualization is a process of building such a model, and this process itself is already well-known as “reconstruction of the diagnostic image”. This process is considered in the context of the study of objects and environments by emitting ultrasonic waves into the object (or environment) with the subsequent reception and processing of reflected oscillations to determine the presence of anomalies that fall under the definition of identification in a broad sense (structural identification), or their shape, size, position, depth, etc., which falls under the definition of identification in the narrow sense (parametric identification). The paper focuses on a certain segment of identification in the narrow sense – improving the quality of the model, where the quality indicator will determine the resolution of the diagnostic image. In the context of the theory of identification, the input and output signals of the ultrasound examination will be considered known, as well as the general appearance of the anomaly model, and the identification algorithm remains unknown. The solution of the problem in Ultrasonic visualization is provided on the basis of the analysis of phase relations corresponding to those constructed according to certain elementary onedimensional holograms. It is a reconstruction of images based on many one-dimensional elementary holograms on a plane perpendicular to the plane of recording the elementary hologram and is determined by the set of acoustic axes of the probing space when moving the combined emitter – receiver along the synthesized aperture line. This approach should make it possible to solve the total amplitude echo received at the probing point from different depth points due to the difference of the initial phases of the complex amplitudes of individual aquatic organisms, which have their coordinates in the probing plane and their intensity values based on location. Cluster density, which reflects the intensity of individual aquatic organisms on a color monitor, can be represented by relative color models or otherwise quite effective visual differences of each aquatic organism separately with its inherent size and the totality of all aquatic organisms that determine their density in probing volumes. It should be noted that the considered methods of obtaining images on a set of one-dimensional elementary holograms can be used in other provisions for the development of diagnostic techniques in medicine, construction, etc.
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