collagen hydrolyzate, pharmacological studies, digestibilityAbstract
There are problems around the world with the needs of the population in protein-rich foods, especially those of animal origin. Of great scientific interest is the secondary collagen-containing raw material, but in the food industry its use is limited due to its poor digestibility and digestion. Currently, the production of fish products is accompanied by the formation of a large amount of secondary protein-containing raw materials (bones, fins, skin, scales, viscera, etc.), which is from 30 to 70% by weight of raw materials. Unaccounted for sources and practical experience can increase the potential of this raw material by 30%. The most promising and safe direction of collagen modification is biomodification with the breakdown of covalent bonds, which increases its biological value and the availability of the effectiveness of human food enzymes. Combining natural collagen biologically active substances in culinary products with other valuable nutrients (carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc.) in order to achieve a synergistic ergogenic effect will significantly expand the range of culinary products, target audience and efficiency in food technology/ The scientific study presents an assessment of the pharmacological value of collagen hydrolyzate obtained by biomodification of secondary fish raw materials. It was found that the obtained collagen hydrolyzate is able to be digested in the body at the level of 66.4%. The results of biochemical and morphological evaluation of rats showed that the introduction of collagen hydrolyzate in the amount of 2% promotes the development of internal organs of rats, restores triglyceride transport, enhances immunostimulatory and hepatotropic effects, as well as osteotropic effect. The introduction of collagen hydrolyzate into the malnutrition of rats enhanced bone synthesis, as evidenced by an increase in bone mass and volume. Also, the study revealed significant mineralization of the bones of rats, in the diet of which was introduced collagen hydrolyte, thereby increasing bone density.
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Спосіб одержання колагенового препарату: пат. 79357 Україна : МПК (2006.01) А23J 1/04 № 79357; заявл. 13.08.2012; опубл. 25.04.2013, Бюл. № 8.