


mousse, shrimps, technological scheme, recipe, nutritional value


The expediency of improving the technology of shrimp mousses is substantiated in the work. Based on the analysis of literature sources, the priority areas of processing of fish raw materials and expanding the range of fish products have been identified. The analysis of existing technologies of mousse products from aquatic organisms has been carried out. The prospects of production of mousses from fish and shrimps have been established. The expediency of using shrimp to create food products with improved organoleptic characteristics and increased nutritional value has been theoretically substantiated. The effectiveness of combining crustaceans with fish, animal and plant raw materials has been experimentally confirmed. New mousse recipes based on shrimp meat with cream cheese, cream, olive oil, salmon fillet, avocado, apples, spices and condiments have been developed. A study of organoleptic, physico-chemical indicators of quality and nutritional value of finished products has been conducted. Based on the research results, the compliance of the indicators with the requirements of the standard has been established. According to organoleptic studies, samples with vegetable supplement have a better organoleptic evaluation than the control sample; sample № 3 got the highest score. Physico-chemical studies have confirmed that the salt content in the developed samples does not exceed the norm – 2,5%, all mousses have the appropriate consistency. In terms of chemical composition, sample № 2 has the highest protein content – 18,7%, the highest fat content was in the control sample (44%), and the lowest in sample № 1 (61,57%). Results of study on the chemical composition indicate the high nutritional value of the developed mousses. Based on theoretical and experimental researches the technological scheme of production of mousses on the basis of shrimps with use of animal and vegetable components has been developed. The main technological operations are preliminary preparation of raw materials, fine grinding of the mixture and packaging of the finished product.


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How to Cite

Менчинська, А., Іванюта, А., & Пилипчук, О. (2022). TECHNOLOGY OF MOUSSE PRODUCTS FROM HYDROBIONTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (1), 104-112.