


whey, whey proteins, reduction sugars, Maillard reaction, flavoring substances


The food industry, in particular the food additive industry, in the production and development of natural flavors and flavoring additives, successfully uses the properties of the products of the Maillard reaction to generate pleasant, desirable flavors and aromas. The nature of the resulting flavors determine the reactions between amino acids and sugar. By changing the type of sugar that reacts with the amino acid, it is once possible to obtain new flavoring substances. Thus, the study of the kinetics of the Maillard reaction and determining the dependence of the sensory characteristics of the final products on the type of sugar used in the reaction is an important issue. The purpose of the work is to investigation of the influence of the sugar types in the model systems with whey protein hydrolysate on Maillard reaction. The following sugars were used: D-xylose, D-glucose, D-fructose, lactose. The reactivity of sugars was assessed by the characteristic kinetic parameters of the Maillard reaction: change in the content of free amino groups and reducing sugars in the samples and change in color (darkening) and change in taste and aroma. As a result of the conducted researches it is established that the greatest reduction of free amino groups occurs in the sample with the addition of xylose, as well as the reduction of the sugar itself in the reaction. The greatest darkening within 45 min of heating is observed in all samples, which is characteristic of the Maillard reaction (melanoidins are formed). The results of the sensory evaluation showed that with the addition of xylose to the hydrolyzate of whey proteins and heating for 25–35 minutes in the aroma and taste dominated by descriptors similar to meat and “umami”; glucose – sweet, caramel and chocolate-like; fructose – caramel and fruit; lactose – caramel. The obtained research results can be used in the development of natural flavors and flavorings.


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How to Cite

Синенко, Т., Фролова, Н., Соколенко, В., & Губа, С. (2022). INVESTIGATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE SUGAR TYPES IN THE MODEL SYSTEMS WITH WHEY PROTEIN HYDROLYSATE ON MAILLARD REACTION. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (1), 135-146.