



pipeline transport, operation, technological schemes, optimization of operating modes, compressor stations


Optimization of operating modes of the gas transmission system in the condition when it works with partial loading has the special approaches and principles of their realization. Features of the optimization procedure relate primarily to expanding the range of permissible modes and choice of technological schemes and equipment of the gas transmission system as with a significant reduction in productivity operation is possible by reducing the number of operating compressor stations or the number of operating gas pumping units. In the conditions of incomplete loading of gas transmission system essential decrease in productivity in comparison with throughput leads to expansion of range of change of the maximum and minimum pressures. The following should be considered as limit variants of admissible modes: the maximum – characterized by the maximum value of the pressure at the beginning of the linear section, and the minimum – characterized by the minimum value of the pressure at the end of the linear section. The set of all other valid modes is in the range between the specified limits. It should be noted that in the conditions of incomplete loading of the gas transmission system, the only criteria for the optimality of operating modes can be the minimum energy consumption for gas transportation and the maximum reliability of the pipeline. Guided by the first of these criteria, you can choose the principle of optimization of modes from the specified set of valid. The second criterion establishes the optimal principles of maintenance of technological equipment and gas pipelines of the gas transmission complex. For the purpose of their practical realization it is necessary to develop strategic directions and methods of optimization of modes and service of gas transmission system in the conditions of incomplete loading.


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How to Cite

Чернова, О., Грудз, В., & Гершун, Б. (2022). OPTIMIZATION OF GAS TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS REGIMES IN THE CONDITIONS OF THEIR UNCOMPLETE LOADING. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (1), 195-201. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-tech.2022.1.22

