


fish raw materials, protein products, collagen, aquatic organisms, hydrolysates, waste-free processing, hydrolysis


Processing of industrial fish is accompanied by the formation of secondary resources, the field of practical application of which is quite wide (fish proteins are a unique natural material used in various industries – food, microbiological, medical, etc.), but not fully used. Wastes from fish processing are a source of valuable nutrients and biologically active substances, and therefore serve as raw materials for various products, including biologically active additives. The aim of the article is to analyze processing technologies, methods of isolation and receiving of secondary fish raw materials. Modern fish production is accompanied by a large amount of protein-containing waste, ranging from 30 to 70% by weight of raw materials. Scientists have developed a number of technologies for collagen isolation and processing of fish raw materials. Development of theoretical and practical bases of technologies in the conditions of rational use of the basic and secondary resources of a fish origin is actual in the conditions of current ecological tension and problems of deficit of domestic analogues of high-tech materials on the basis of proteins of connective tissues of an aquatic origin. Protein-containing wastes are characterized by high nutritional properties, are a source of collagen and its hydrolysis products, which will be obtained by chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis. Traditional technologies are not effective, so scientists have proposed innovative methods and technologies for obtaining proteins, which in turn will have less effect on the initial properties of products isolated from secondary fish raw materials. The meat of aquatic organisms is rich in essential amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and is a valuable raw material for the production of dietary protein hydrolysates and the most valuable source of protein from an economic and environmental point of view. The search for new technologies is an urgent task, given the increasing use of fish collagen.


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How to Cite

Олійник, М. І. (2022). PRODUCTS OBTAINED BY PROCESSING FISH RAW MATERIALS AND METHODS FOR THEIR ISOLATION. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (3), 144-155.