



meat, oyster mushroom, meat and mushroom preserves, organoleptic indexes, functional direction


The work is dedicated to the development of meat-containing preserves of a functional direction in the conditions of the private enterprise "Our Product". All canned products are produced under the trademark “Our Product” and presented in different regions of the country. In order to maintain necessary characteristics, mushrooms were added to their composition, namely, oyster mushroom. It is known that oyster mushroom has a wide range of range of useful characteristics: it is a low-calorie product; it is one of the richest sources of zinc and potassium; contains manitol, a large number of vitamins of groups B and D and much fiber. Chemical analysis of pork and oyster mushroom indicates a good balance between components-nutrients. Such components of oyster mushroom as carbohydrates and fiber can compensate excessive fat of pork, creating a poly-component complex. Due to introduction of mushrooms, the need of zinc and vitamins of group B are often satisfied. Analyzing technological scheme for production of meat and mushroom preserves we can identify some stages where there is probability of contamination of raw materials, the risk of emergence of biological, chemical, physical dangers and determine critical points that should be considered in a production process. Trials of the recipe allowed us to establish the optimal correlation of meat and mushrooms. Analysis of the sensory and profile assessment of the products indicates attractive and harmonious combinations with the addition and harmony of the components of preserves and the content of mushroom raw materials – 23%. The preserves “Pork with Mushrooms” has a functional direction good indexes of nutritional value, sensory analysis, physical and chemical properties, ready to be consumed as a cold or a warmed product.


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How to Cite

Ряполова, І. О., Новікова, Н. В., & Кіпіоро, І. М. (2022). EXAMINATION OF THE DEVELOPED CANNED PRODUCTS OF FUNCTIONAL PURPOSE "РORK WITH MUSHROOMS". Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (3), 156-167. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-tech.2022.3.17

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