


sensory analysis, sauce products, safety


Nowadays, there is a problem of the availability of food products with a balanced not only nutrient composition, but also a pronounced taste -aromatic indicator. It is known that vegetable raw materials, along with the content of valuable substances for the body, have pronounced spicy properties and contain a high concentration of antioxidant substances. Nutrition analysis of modern Ukrainians showed a high demand for sauce products as an additional component to the consumption of main dishes. After conducting a survey of 119 people regarding the consumption of sauce products, using traditional raw materials that can be filled by introducing new dietary sauces, a niche among the population was identified. Therefore, the expansion of the production of plant-based diet sauces has a high social effect aimed at correcting food rations. Sensory research methods are widely used to develop new food products. The article provides data on the influence of sensory analysis on the development of a new type of dietary sauce. 54 trained tasters participated in the research. The tasting analysis was used to develop a vegetable base for the production of the sauce, which consisted of rice milk, rice flour and corn oil. Using the flavor method, four recipes of dietary sauce with a pronounced taste -aromatic profile were made, thanks to the balanced content of Provencal herbs. In order to identify the nature of the diet sauce's behavior in production conditions, the change in rheological properties (fluidity and stability of the emulsion) at different temperature values was investigated. The developed dietary sauce was investigated for microbiological safety indicators and the dynamics of changes in sensory indicators under storage conditions in restaurants. The obtained data showed that the sauce can be stored at a temperature of (65-70)°C for 2 hours.


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How to Cite

Дзюба, Н. А., & Степанова, В. С. (2022). SENSORY ANALYSIS AS A BASIS FOR THE CREATION OF NEW DIETARY SAUCES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (5), 45-55.