



gravimetry, gravitational acceleration, transformer gravimeter, experiment


Transformer transducers are used to measure the acceleration of gravity g, the information about which is necessary in geophysics, geology for mineral exploration; in inertial navigation of moving objects to correct their characteristics. There are many means of measuring g. Gyroscopic, piezoelectric, string, capacitive and other types of gravimeters are used for this. Transformer gravimeters (TG) are among the best transducers. The main reason for this is their simplicity and reliability, relatively high sensitivity, wide operating frequency range, linear characteristics in a wide dynamic range, powerful output signal, resistance to environmental influences, etc. Therefore, experimental studies of the characteristics of the transformer gravimeter are certainly relevant. The article describes the conducted experimental studies of the transformer gravimeter, provides a description of the new measuring circuit with its use. Experimental studies were conducted, based on the results of which the frequency characteristic of the output signal of this gravimeter was constructed. A measuring scheme has been built, which allows to carry out experimental studies of the transformer gravimeter. It was established that with an increase in the frequency f of vibrations of the vibrostand, the amplitude of the output voltage of the UTG transformer gravimeter decreases; the maximum amplitude of the output voltage of the UTG transformer gravimeter takes place at values of the vibration frequency of the vibration stand f = 800 Hz for all values of Ugen, which is equal to the frequency of the own oscillations of the TG; the voltage of the generator winding Ugen has a direct proportional effect on the change in the voltage of the transformer gravimeter UTG; at any Ugen, the characteristics are linear, provided that f ≥ 500 Hz, at a lower frequency, nonlinearity is observed, which is due to technological errors in the manufacture of the measuring transducer.


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How to Cite

Безвесільна, О. М., & Гриневич, М. С. (2023). EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS OF A TRANSFORMER GRAVIMETER. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 3-9. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-tech.2022.6.1

