


healthy food, Carpathian region, non-traditional vegetable raw materials, tea drinks


At the beginning of the third millennium, the topic of nutrition occupies a prominent place in the field of health care, society and politics of many countries of the world community. A promising way to solve this problem is the introduction of health drinks based on non-traditional raw materials into diets. In order to expand the range of their use in restaurants, we have developed the technologies of nine phytoteas for different purposes (vitamin, tonic and soothing). For their preparation, rose hips, strawberries, mint, St. John's wort and other plants that are useful for daily consumption were used. Using the method of organoleptic analysis, the optimal ratio of the content of components in drinks was determined based on the assessment of quality indicators. The analysis of non-traditional raw materials of plant origin makes it possible to substantiate the health purpose of drinks. The developed recipes of phytoteas are completely safe and will only benefit human health if the rules of their consumption are followed (alternation of drinks from different raw materials, moderate amount of consumption). In order to improve the demand for the products developed by us and to acquaint potential consumers of herbal teas with health-promoting properties, advertising menu booklets, guides and methodological recommendations. At the same time, further scientific research in this field of knowledge is necessary to find out the further use of non-traditional plant raw materials of the Carpathian region in human nutrition based on modern ideas about the mechanisms of health-improving and therapeutic action of biologically active substances of medicinal plants, since the valuable properties of their species diversity are still are not fully revealed, and therefore will still be studied by more than one generation of scientists and folk healers.


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How to Cite

Бомба, М. Я., Федина, Л. О., Маслійчук, О. Б., & Майкова, С. В. (2023). NON-TRADITIONAL VEGETABLE RAW MATERIALS OF THE CARPATHIANS IN THE TECHNOLOGY OF PREPARATION OF HEALTHY BEVERAGES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 42-51.