


technological equipment, design, production, gluten-free raw materials, functional products.


Setting objectives. The article examines technological equipment for the production of functional gluten-free flour and the need to design technological lines for its production. It is noted that today the world market of gluten-free food products is continuously growing, but the technological process of gluten-free flour production for the production of functional food products requires the observance and fulfillment of certain requirements of the production process. The main shortcomings and obstacles that prevent the production of high-quality gluten-free flour that would meet European quality standards have been identified, which are the use of the same equipment for the production of different types of flour, as well as the high probability of gluten entering products, due to the transfer of gluten-containing raw materials, from equipment and containers used in the manufacturing process. It was determined that the main problem in the production of gluten-free flour is maintaining the cleanliness of storage, transportation and production facilities at the enterprises of the industry that produce gluten-free products. Research results. Solving the problems of the production of gluten-free flour and functional food products is possible under the conditions of designing separate shops at enterprises of the industry, which will differ in that their technological lines will never come into contact with raw materials containing gluten, and special warehouses are designated for grain and flour. It is also stated that raw materials must be purchased from verified producers of agricultural products. In addition, raw materials must be stored and transported in containers separate from gluten-containing raw materials to prevent cross-contamination of raw materials and equipment. The solution of the set problems of production of gluten-free products is possible only with comprehensive modernization of production using modern design methods. Conclusions. Solving the set tasks is possible on the basis of the design of shops and technological lines; close cooperation of scientists and industry specialists; conducting hightech research and development; implementation of the latest technologies and methods in the design and production technology of functional products. All this will contribute to achieving high results of the production process, make operation and maintenance more convenient, allow accurate quality control, and increase the reliability and stability of the production process.


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How to Cite

Горач, О. О., Дзюндзя, О. В., & Олейникова, С. О. (2023). TECHNOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT AND DESIGN OF TECHNOLOGICAL LINES FOR THE PRODUCTION OF FUNCTIONAL PURPOSE FLOUR. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (3), 37-45.