


quality, control methods, raw materials, meat, adulteration, protein, antibiotics, physical methods.


The results of the study of the shortcomings of physical methods of assessing the quality of food raw materials of food products are presented. A calibration dependence is proposed for the quantitative assessment of the content of chicken and turkey meat in mixed minced meat based on the ratio of integral line intensities in NMR spectra. Analysis of 13C NMR spectra showed that turkey and chicken fats consist mainly of glycerides of oleic and linoleic (unsaturated) acids, and saturated acids (stearic, palmitic). Quantitative ratios of these acids in turkey and chicken fats differ, which determines the possibility of using spectral methods for the identification of turkey and chicken meat, as well as, within certain limits, determining the composition of mixed minced meat from the meat of these birds. The results showed that the sensitivity of the microbiological screening analysis method is different for each antimicrobial drug depending on their pharmacokinetic properties (bioavailability, degree of protein binding, routes and speed of elimination from the animal’s body, etc.). Taking into account the withdrawal period for those active antimicrobial substances that were used in the experiment, it can be stated that, in general, this method can establish their presence in poultry carcasses during the period of their removal, since the withdrawal period of tylosin, chlortetracycline and sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim from the bird’s body is 2 days, with the exception of amoxicillin, the elimination period of which from poultry meat is 8 days.Polarization fluorescent immunoassay, based on the binding of a certain compound and a tracer (fluorescence-labeled assay) with antibodies, has proven itself positively in the analysis of food products. The existing physical means and methods of quality examination, identification and detection of falsification of products of animal origin were analyzed and their shortcomings were identified. It was established that most methods are labor-intensive, low-productivity and cannot be used for operational control of meat quality, especially in small enterprises where there is no specialized equipment. This led to the need to develop objective laboratory express methods of meat research. The use of modern achievements of physics, chemistry, biochemistry allows to adapt these results for the development of accelerated and reliable in their specificity and sensitivity methods of examination of the quality of food raw materials and food products.


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How to Cite

Приліпко, Т. М., & Кузьмінська, І. М. (2024). STUDY OF THE SHORTCOMINGS OF PHYSICAL METHODS OF ASSESSING THE QUALITY OF FOOD RAW MATERIALS AND FOOD PRODUCTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (5), 140-147.

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