roadmap, javascript, visualization, PERT diagram, programming codeAbstract
The roadmap presents information in the form of a clear visual diagram that helps to understand how the project is progressing towards the goal, at which stage the user is now. The main stages are presented in the form of geometric figures with appropriate text content. The sequence of their passage is specified by various one-way arrows or markers. Each stage can have several states in the system, which must have their own, original design style. Various types of diagrams can be used to visualize the project roadmap: Gantt, PERT, process hierarchies. The software implementation of the road map for admission to higher education institutions based on a PERT diagram, using web technologies of the software stack: HTML, CSS, Javascript, is considered. There are three ways of organizing the display of the PERT diagram: block, tabular and SVG graphics. The stages of implementation of the road map on the web page of the website of the higher education institution were defined: creation of the HTML document of the road map; development of presentation styles of stages according to their state of visual control by the user; developed a javascript for applying styles to the stages of the road map based on critical parameters. Three stage states are defined: waiting, active, completed. The CSS styles of the stage, which is in a certain state, have been developed. To automatically control the styles of the stages, parameters that affect the change of states are defined, in particular, the calendar date and astronomical time. A javascript has been developed which is responsible for overlaying the stage style based on the critical parameter of the state change. Visualization of the road map is one of the ways of graphically presenting information about the development of the management object. It also helps to synchronize the user's behavior and mobilize his resources to achieve the set goals.
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