


agent, information modeling system, multiagent environment, electricity market, pricing


The article considers the purpose, functional features and capabilities of the developed information and modeling system for analyzing the pricing process in the electricity market, which reflects the complex dynamic pricing process and gives market participants the opportunity to organize transparent decentralized interaction. The main purpose of the system is to provide both suppliers and producers of electricity, information on the formation of strategies for their behavior in the market to achieve a balance of both personal and public interests, and the ability to use a system of simulation models and modeling algorithms to solve calculation problems to participate in auctions of purchase and sale of electricity. This approach provides an opportunity to achieve a synergistic effect, through continuous transparent consideration of the mutual influence of business interests of different participants who are simultaneously involved in the pricing process. The information-modeling system is a simulation system and object, the functional structural elements of which include: a set of simulation models of market segments, and models of short-term (day ahead) price forecast; modeling algorithms for calculating price indicators in different market segments and software for their implementation; modeling algorithms and software for solving problems of taking into account the influence of risk factors on pricing (dynamics of energy prices, etc.); database and corresponding DBMS; tools that provide the organization of the information modeling system, administrator interfaces for updating the database with verified information and user interfaces for organizing work with models, modeling algorithms and database. The purpose of the system is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of market agents in the formation of applications for participation in the auction. The development of the information-modeling system is based on the application of the principles of multi-agent approach to the organization of information-technological interaction of market agents between themselves and the external environment – the real information-technological infrastructure of the market, and the creation of information-technological and methodical multi-agent environment in which market agents interact and compete in different segments of the electricity market. Based on the study of scientific literature, the need to build such a class of system, which is part of the software and hardware of the simulation system of pricing in the wholesale and retail electricity market based on modern information technology. A brief description of the system is given.


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How to Cite

Євдокімов, В. (2021). INFORMATION AND MODELING SYSTEM FOR ANALYSIS OF THE PRICING PROCESS IN THE ELECTRICITY MARKET. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (3), 10-18.

