


marine infrastructure, seaport, production and technological laboratory, grain and oil crops, laboratory analyses


The article examines the processes of analysis of oil and grain crops that take place in production-technological and chemical laboratories at the seaports of Ukraine, as well as developed optimization measures to improve the quality control of crops and increase the flow of applications that can be processed per unit of time by the laboratory, due to reduction of the total time of conducting analyzes and their individual stages at the same level of research quality. The following are the main scientific methods used in the research: methods of analysis and synthesis, analogies, generalization and abstraction, as well as chemical methods of analysis of grain and oil crops. The conducted study of the distribution of time at each stage of the analysis of oil and grain crops with different types of execution process (normal and optimized) showed a significant difference in execution time while maintaining the quality of the results obtained. Based on the results of the research, the main processes that take place in the production and technological laboratories at the seaports of Ukraine during the analysis of oil and grain crops were structured, on the basis of which the main schemes were developed that fully reflect these processes, which allows to investigate what exactly happens on at each stage of research and develop optimization measures to reduce the time required to conduct the research, without changing the quality of the obtained analysis results. The following are of practical value: the scheme of the analysis processes of oil and grain crops that take place in production and chemical laboratories, as well as optimization measures to improve the quality control of analysis results, namely optimized methods of performing analysis processes, which allow to significantly reduce the total time of conducting laboratory studies without changing the quality of the results obtained, due to which it is possible to increase the flow of applications processed by the laboratory per unit of time, which in turn leads to an increase in cargo flow in ports, that is, an increase in the efficiency of the port infrastructure with a further increase in income from these facilities.


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How to Cite

Гайдай, Г. Ю., & Грєшнов, А. Ю. (2024). PROCESSES OF OIL AND GRAIN CROPS ANALYSIS IN SEAPORTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 103-112.