


nourishment of military personnel, full-fledged protein, nutrient, protein supplements


The combat effectiveness of military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine depends on the level of work capacity, physical and psycho-emotional endurance, long-term concentration of attention of the personnel, functional reserves of their body, which, among other things, is determined by the quality of nutrition. Despite numerous innovations in the system of food organisation of military personnel, including when conducting military operations, constant nutritional monitoring is necessary in order to adjust military rations to ensure full nutrition of personnel of various specialties. In the conditions of hostilities a military serviceman is an active participant in the "man – extreme surrounding environment" system, where there is excessive neuro-emotional and physical tension, the limits of physiological capabilities and reduced fighting capacity, diseases, depressive states, post-traumatic stress disorder. The protein component is the most deficient in the diet of military personnel. The task of consuming the required amount of protein is especially relevant for military personnel who have an increased degree of physical activity in combat operations. The article analyses scientific principles of the development of food products with an increased protein content in the diet of military personnel. Protein supplements of the appropriate classification are given and the next stage of the study of ensuring the diet of military personnel in the main nutrients is proposed. The lack of full-fledged protein in the diet of military personnel has a negative effect on the state of health, therefore it is necessary to develop and introduce products with an increased content of protein in their diet. The absorption of proteins is influenced by the structure of the diet: the balance of nutrients, the content of organic acids, carbohydrates (starch), fats, proteins of other products. Protein deficiency of proteins in the diet of military personnel requires both quantitative and qualitative use of new insufficiently used protein-containing products – protein enrichers: secondary raw materials of the meat and dairy industry, vegetable proteins, hydrolysates of animal and vegetable origin.


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How to Cite

Маслійчук, О. Б., Сімахіна, Г. О., & Науменко, Н. В. (2024). SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRODUCTS WITH A HIGH PROTEIN CONTENT IN THE DIET OF MILITARY PERSONNEL. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 120-131.