



shortbread, technology, ingredients of vegetable origin, flax flour, recipe, nutritional value, biological value


Today, various segments of the population of our country pay more and more attention to the issues of preserving health, improving the quality of life and extending its duration. All these factors are directly influenced by a person’s lifestyle and diet. Expanding the range of products that are in demand among consumers is a priority task for maintaining competitiveness in the modern realities of the operation of restaurant establishments. One of the most popular trends in modern nutrition, especially among young people, is vegetarianism, which involves the complete or partial exclusion of animal products from the diet. This limits the consumption of traditional food products by vegetarians, including confectionery products, and requires the search for new types of raw materials capable of ensuring the production of products with appropriate consumer properties, with the necessary complex of basic nutrients and biologically active substances. It is proposed to use coconut oil, bananas, and coconut drink for the production of special shortbread cookies, and to improve the nutritional and biological value, replace part of the wheat flour with flax. The use of vegetable raw materials and flax flour makes it possible to obtain special-purpose cookies with a 5% increase in calories compared to the control, which is quite positive for vegetarian food. The increase in the caloric value of the test samples of cookies is mainly due to the replacement of margarine with coconut oil and to a lesser extent the introduction of flax flour. An increase in the recipe of flax flour contributes to an increase in the content of proteins, fats and a decrease in carbohydrates, which positively affects the organoleptic indicators of cookies, such as taste and aroma. As a result of research, the expediency of completely replacing shortbread cookies, made according to the classic recipe, with ingredients of vegetable origin and enriching the cookies with flax flour was confirmed. The developed cookies have improved nutritional and biological value, are characterized by a pleasant appearance and aroma, have a harmonious, pleasant nutty-banana taste and a crumbly structure. When using 200 grams of special shortbread cookies, with the addition of 15 % flax flour, it satisfies the need for the following nutrients: proteins by 18 %, fats by 26 % and carbohydrate by 32 %.


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How to Cite

Павлюченко, О. С., Польовик, В. В., & Новаторська, М. О. (2024). SPECIAL PURPOSE COOKIES BASED ON VEGETABLE RAW MATERIALS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 147-158. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-tech.2023.6.17