data quality, Economic Indicators Classifier, meta-information, metadata repositoryAbstract
An important task in creating information systems for analytical research of economic phenomena is to determine the principles of organization and support the classification of economic indicators as systematic distribution these indicators by certain groups. Typically, this description is designed as a classifier of economic indicators, which contains meta-information about the indicator to provide users with the opportunity to assess the quality of indicators and determine the possibility of their further sharing. This task becomes urgent in the processing of indicators that come from information resources of different origins. In terms of data quality assurance, the article focuses on the formation of a description of economic indicators as part of a metadata repository, designed to support metadata-driven information system and provide various user groups with information on economic data, and identifies priority steps to create such a repository. The proposed approach is not a final solution, but is the first approximation to determine the principles of creating a classifier of economic indicators. t requires further thorough research, the end result of which should be a classifier of economic indicators as a tool used in the practice of analysts. Use of “big data” and data warehouse in analytical investigations requires review of the approached to forming meta information description of economic indexes to submit them to the users of comprehensive information concerning these indexes and opportunity to evaluate their quality. Of meta informational environment is offered within the article that shall provide creation of comprehensive information concerning the data of analytical researches and will be useful by forming repository of meta data, data store room, informational portal.
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