flour, gluten-free confectionery, cupcakeAbstract
The confectionery market is one of the most developed in the Ukrainian food industry. Total production accounts for 3% of the country's GDP. Confectionery producers supply both the domestic market and export to more than 50 countries. However, the gluten-free market in Ukraine is still in its infancy, so it is important to develop gluten-free formulations that will allow people with celiac disease to include flour confectionery in their diets. Current trends in expanding the range of flour confectionery products are based on modeling new and improving existing gluten-free products. A recipe for gluten-free cupcakes is proposed, in which wheat flour is replaced by a composition of buckwheat and rice flour in the following ratios: 50:50, 80:20, and 20:80. To determine the optimal quantitative ratio of buckwheat and rice flour in gluten-free cupcakes, a commodity assessment of their quality was carried out according to organoleptic and physicochemical parameters. According to the organoleptic characteristics, all samples had the correct shape, an unburnt surface, but with cracks. The color of the samples corresponded to the flour from which they were made from light brown to dark brown. The fracture view of all samples of cupcakes was well baked without hardening and traces of unleavened. The taste and odor correspond to the type of flour composition. The best organoleptic characteristics were observed in the sample with a composition of buckwheat and rice flour 20:80, with a predominant amount of rice flour. During the study of the physicochemical parameters of the manufactured samples of glutenfree cupcakes, the following were determined: mass fraction of total sugar, mass fraction of fat, mass fraction of moisture, alkalinity, mass fraction of ash. The physicochemical parameters of the cupcakes were within the limits of the standard. Thus, the mass fraction of total sugar ranged from 44.6 to 47.9%; the mass fraction of fat from 20.9 to 23.2%, the mass fraction of moisture from 12.0 to 14.8%, alkalinity from 1.2 to 1.7 degrees, and the mass fraction of ash from 0.05 to 0.07%.
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