


balanced nutrition, chemical compostion improvement, recipe, substitute, honey, flax, ingredients, improvements, additives


In sex the problem of modern pastry production, and use, is considered in this technology of plenty of sugar and wheatflour. Also during preparation of most simple pastry wares plenty of possible vitamin additions that are in free access in our country and thus not substantially will influence on the cost of good is not used. For this reason the aim of work is development of technology of avenaceous thin captain with replacement of sugar and addition of more in a food relation nutritives. It is set during analytical researches, that foods of processing of oat due to a high food and biological value are widely enough used for enriching, improvement of quality and grant of certain functional properties to the food products for the different layers of population. Foods of processing of oat contain more fat in 5–6 times, if to compare to the wheatflour, and some greater content squirrel and less of carbohydrates. A characteristic feature of avenaceous foods is a presence close 85–92 that make basis of геміцелюлози of oat. Avenaceous foods considerably prevail the wheatflour of top grade on maintenance mineral substances. A rice flour and honey, that will give an opportunity considerably to decrease calorie content of this pastry good, and will attract potential consumers but also supporters of healthy way of life not only, are select by us as an improvement of compounding. Chemical composition of honey is difficult enough and various. In him there is plenty of useful to the human organism substances carbohydrates, organic acids and their salts, nitrous connections (amino acids, proteins, амідів, amines), mineral substances, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, essential oils and many other. For the increase of vitamin composition we add to our good a walachian nut, cranberry and seed of flax, with the aim of improvement of vitamin composition of the worked out product. The berries of cranberry contain plenty of organic acids and their salts, nitrous connections (amino acids, proteins, амідів, amines), mineral substances, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, essential oils and many other.For the increase of vitamin composition we add to our good a walachian nut, cranberry and seed of flax, with the aim of improvement of vitamin composition of the worked out product. The berries of cranberry contain plenty of organic acids: benzoic, lemon, quinine, apple, succinic, sorrel and many other. Due to benzoic acid that is the natural preservative of berry have the opportunity well enough.


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How to Cite

Новікова, Н. В., & Проценко, Г. Ю. (2024). ANALYSIS OF RAW MATERIALS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF FUNCTIONAL OAT COOKIES WITH IMPROVED VITAMIN COMPOSITION. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (1), 177-184.