river, basin, water resources, reclaimed lands, technical condition, drainage, drainage systemAbstract
The analysis of the current state of water and land resources of the Tsyr river basin (Polissya zone, Volyn region, Kamin-Kashirsky district) is carried out in the conditions of climate change. On the basis of the conducted hydrological, geological, and hydrogeological analysis the modern hydrographic characteristics of the river Tsyr are formed. The analysis of the data shows that in the territory of the Tsyr river basin order to identify the main problems of their rational use and protective processes of waterlogging and flooding of the river floodplain, as well as karst formation and dispersal of sands of aeolian ridges and dunes are developed. Almost everywhere the slopes of the valley are poorly dissected, mostly open, plowed, forested. Sandy or loamy soils predominate, less often sandy or clayey-sandy soils. It is established that within the basin of the river Tsyr the processes of waterlogging and flooding of the river floodplain are developed. Soil degradation manifests itself in the form of wind erosion and karst formation. Analysis of the technical condition of the Tsyr drainage system, the main channel of which is the Tsyr River, indicates that due to the unsatisfactory condition of the riverbed (overgrowing and siltation), the Tsyr River is not able to properly fulfill its functional purpose – drainage and seasonal water regulation. In addition, the lack of operational measures on the in-farm network of the Tsyrsky drainage system has led to the impossibility of efficient use of agricultural land due to flooding of low-lying areas. As measures for the rational use and protection of water and land resources of the Tsyr river basin, it is proposed to organize and carry out operational measures, in particular on the domestic network, as well as to restore the water regulation function of the drainage system by reconstructing and building new reclamation engineering infrastructure. in the context of climate change.
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